While adaptiveness has become one of the top-of-the-list issues for leaders, there’s been no place to turn for real understanding or how-to insights. This Field Guide gives you a deeply researched but easily digestible understanding of how to strengthen your adaptiveness, as well as that of your team and organization. It’s designed as an easy reference tool, with frameworks, tools, and step-by-step guides.
The secret to the Adaptiveness Field Guide is a simple but powerful metaphor that uses human musculature as a mental model of your adaptiveness musculature. It lets you understand — in a smart new way — what adaptiveness involves, helping you strengthen the muscles that will let you recognize and act on what matters.
“I’ve always thought of adaptiveness as reactive, not proactive. This expanded how I see it.”
“There’s an important difference between being slow and being late.
Agile solves for slow. This Field Guide solves for late.”
Tod Martin has led Unboundary, a transformation design firm, for 20 of the firm’s 30+ years. From the early days with Gerstner and his team at IBM and Goizueta and his team at The Coca-Cola Company, Unboundary has gone on to work with Ralph Lauren and the team at Polo, Charles Schwab and his team at Schwab, and Fred Smith and his team at FedEx. This gives Tod — and Unboundary — the unique perspective of having worked with a rare group of iconic entrepreneurs who have created and led multi-billion-dollar companies. Tod has always favored “next practices” over best practices — novel solutions for the complex challenges of an ever-accelerating, increasingly disruptive world. Tod is a long-time TEDster and the founding organizer of TEDxAtlanta, hosting 13 events over its first nine years. He wrote Adaptiveness Filed Guide as the first in a series of books to help people understand what adaptiveness is, what it requires, and how to develop adaptive strength.
The Field Guide is the first in a series on Adaptiveness. Sign up for our mailing list and be the first to know about future publications, webinars, and remote learning opportunities.